Best Express Kepala Batas Location Listing
Location listing of Best Express Kepala Batas station, operations hours and contact number. Find out the direction of Best Express near me, in Kepala Batas, Pulau Pinang.
Best Express provides Domestic delivery service within Peninsular Malaysia, and to Sabah, Sarawak. International shipping to China, and Singapore.
Where to self collect Best Express parcel in Kepala Batas area? Find out the outlets list as belows;
Best Express Kepala Batas
Station Code: SPU
Station Name: SPU-3
Jalan Serdang 1, Pusat Perniagaan Serdang, 13200 Kepala Batas, Pulau Pinang
Get Direction in Google Maps
Business hours:
Monday – Saturday (9:00am – 6:00pm)
Contact Number: 017-996 1420 / 010-423 3226
Available Service:
- Domestic Delivery
- International Shipping (to China & Singapore)
Source: Best Express Malaysia
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