Best Express Review – 30% not satisfied

Best Express review

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Rated 0.4 out of 5
0.4 out of 5 stars (based on 252 reviews)
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Latest Best Express Review

Rated 0.0 out of 5

x layak dpt 1 star pun! plg teruk! 4x missorted okay delivery..guna pula outsource yg ntah apa2..nombor outsource pn xda!

9/11 : sc(klbin2) ❌

11/11 : kltul ❌

14/11 : kltmw ❌

16/11 : sc(klbin2) ❌

19/11 : sc(klbin2) (cubaan kali ke5 dah)

SC(KLBIN2) dah byk kali ambil parcel ni..dah tau x boleh hntr, kenapa p ambil?! byk kali call HQ dah! take note la! jgn p amik lagi parcel aku kalau tau2 akan patah balik ke HUB!

willing nk self collect kt Hub, x kasi pulak! alasan parcel krg drpd 2kg x boleh collect! kena tggu juga parcel sampai kt kita kata HQ! tggu sampai abg jamil mampus kot!

parcel lain beli waktu yg sama, guna alamat yg sama, selamat terima dah!

HQ x membantu lgsg! better tak wujud la kurier ni! menyusahkan pembeli..aduan dkt SKMM done ✅ hrp ada tindakan atas kurier ni!!!

Avatar for Zul
Rated 0.0 out of 5

Best ekspress is VERY BAD EKSPRESS!!

Avatar for CikLesungpipit
Rated 1.0 out of 5

status delivery dia masih on the way.. lebih 24jam driver (SGKALITAS/0194075049) bawa parcel aku.. meronda ke apa? kalau tak boleh nak hantar barang, tak payah buka company nih, yang tukang hantar barang pun kalau rasa payah nak hantar barang, berhenti kerja. tak payah nak kerja, menyusahkan orang lain je nak tunggu2.. Dah la peram barang orang lama2, status delivery pun bohong je. call tak angkat. ba alif ba ya betui la korg ni

Avatar for achik kau
achik kau
Rated 0.0 out of 5

One of terrible courier service and the rider very rude. system never update accordingly. I wish any 3rd party like shopee, shein use this service plss…………

Avatar for bhanu
Rated 1.0 out of 5

Terrible courier company! Sending the item to wrong delivery hub! When ask for explanation, the customer service is very rude! All of us should boycott this company!

Avatar for James
Rated 1.0 out of 5

Since 26/10/22 my small parcel was out of delivery,but til now 31/10/22 I received nothing.i send message to the delivery guy,but no reply.i email also no respond.Why like this?

Avatar for Ann
Rated 1.0 out of 5

The worst courier service! Take so many days deliver the parcel from pj to kl! Tracking number also didn’t update where the parcel ! Please don’t use this courier service if need your item urgently, suck service!

Avatar for Tee
Rated 0.0 out of 5

Avatar for Anonymous
Rated 0.0 out of 5

Suck!!!!!! Only take 3 days from China to delivered to Malaysia but Your company keep customer parcel for 8 days and when we call you dont have urgency to send to us.The worst service ever!!!!!!!

Avatar for Ras
Rated 1.0 out of 5

No star to give. 10 days still don’t receive my item. In system mention out of delivery at 10 am. But 10.30 pm nothing happened and in system updated Receipient not Reachable. No calling.. Loooorr.. I’m stay on earth not Pluto.

Avatar for Angry Man
Angry Man

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