Location listing and Janio office, operations hours and contact number. Find out the direction of Janio near me, in Penang, Selangor, Kuala Lumpur, and Johor
Tracking shows my parcel already cleared customs and delivery in progress. I am from JB and expecting this parcel to arrive before Christmas but due to flooding i was told it was delayed. Now i am in KL for Christmas. Are able to re route my parcel to my hotel in KL ? Actally the parcel is a gift for Christmas. Can you please help me and really appreciate if you can do so , my tracking number is LVMHPMY18348….thank you.
Tracking shows my parcel already cleared customs and delivery in progress. I am from JB and expecting this parcel to arrive before Christmas but due to flooding i was told it was delayed. Now i am in KL for Christmas. Are able to re route my parcel to my hotel in KL ? Actally the parcel is a gift for Christmas. Can you please help me and really appreciate if you can do so , my tracking number is LVMHPMY18348….thank you.
Regards ‘
H/P 0127205891