Pos Laju Kuching Utara Location Listing
Location listing of Pos Laju Kuching Utara outlets, Service Centre, Kiosk, EziDrive-Thru, and Pos Mini, operations hours and contact number. Find out the direction of Pos Laju near me, in Kuching Utara, Sarawak
Pos Laju provides Domestic & international shipping service, Pos Laju Prepaid envelop, Stamps, Unit Trust, Insurance, Money Transfer, Bill & Payment, and Vehichle license renewal services.
Where to drop-off Pos Laju Shopee parcels in Kuching Utara area? Where to self collect Pos Laju parcel in Kuching Utara area? Find out the outlets list as belows;
Pos Laju Kuching Utara
Lot 9165, 9166, 9167, 9168, Seksyen 65 KTLD, 4th Mile Matang Road, 93050 Kuching, Sarawak
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Business hours:
Monday – Saturday (8:30am – 6:00pm) | Sunday Closed
*Closed on 3rd Saturday of the month
Contact Number: 08-254 4391
Available Service:
- Domestic Delivery, International Shipping (EMS), Shopee drop-off, EasyParcel drop-off, Sendparcel drop-off, Pos Laju Prepaid envelop ( Buy or drop-off)
- Stamps & Stationery
- Unit Trusts (Amanah Saham)
- Insurance
- Money Transfer
- Bill and Payments
- Renewal of Vehicle License
Source: Pos Malaysia
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