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Latest Citylink Review
No star at all for CITYLINK KUCHING. Dah lah peram parcel lama lama, call office phone pun tak angkat.
Terrible service and raising voice with customer even parcel went missing… Terrible management lady at kuching sarawak… Maybe her father company… No next time for citylink… My electronic parts…. 3k gone missing just like that….
Damn useless Indians ,hate this shit company
citylink cakap saya reject barang…bila masa dia call ngan wasp tah…harga barang kalau murah takpe ni mahal ye…tak pasal2 barang yang saya nak urgent return balik ke seller…kalau boleh tgk no tel tu betul2 ye and wasap…
Courier paling terukkk xpayah buka service courier la kalau xtahu nak handle..parcel sy stuck dekat city link damansara since 6/7 until now no movement.call customer service jawapan xcukup staff la barang akan di antar dlm mggu nie laa tp barang xgerak2 jgk. Bila kol facility sri damansara xpernah nak angkat..tolong laa tutup service courier citylink nie kalau xtahu mcm mna nak buat courier..
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Tak de bintang utk citylink, teruk sgt
City link sri damansara sgt2 teruk2 hold parcel lama2 bt ape, dah tahu pekerja tak cukup cari la solution mcm mne nk handle this isu, bile call akan hantar hri ni, tapi smpai ke sudah tak out for delivery! Eee geram betul!
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