Flash Express Review

Flash Express review

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Rated 0.5 out of 5
0.5 out of 5 stars (based on 378 reviews)
Very good1%

Latest Flash Express Review

Rated 1.0 out of 5

barang dah dkt klang hub.. tp dah brp hari nak tunggu dia bergerak.. geram btulll la

Avatar for Deirna
Rated 0.0 out of 5

Horrible , they just call me few sec but I’m busy working just miss the call when I call back no one pick the call and they just mark it as delivery unsuccessful !!! They don’t even try to send to my place

Avatar for Anonymous
Rated 0.0 out of 5

Staff flash express miri area permy kurang ajar. Hanya gara² tidak self collect barang , dia ckp jadi taik jadi ulat sudah . Amboii .

Cc: Flash Express Customer Service management / Manager / Bos

Please teach your staff to be in good manner when communicating with customer. Not to be rude ! Thank you !

Avatar for Nathalia Edah Japar
Nathalia Edah Japar
Rated 0.0 out of 5

flash express my ass, take that name out your business, freaking scam

order barang dari local je, ni mau dekat sebulan, the things i order dari oversea smpai dulu and i ordered that even later after this parcel.

also why my parcel been thrown to different hubs? hello??? from Sabah to Kinarut then back to sabah hub then to penampang then back to sabah hub again??? OI kau main marathon run apa sial. can you not read address???

i will report to shoppee and the seller to not use your service again.

the worst courier service i ever encountered.

Avatar for Anonymous
Rated 0.0 out of 5

So bad, keep asking the live chat to ask rider to let the parcels in dropbox. they always act has they done it. But every time the rider didn’t let the parcel in the dropbox. Now my order is returned.

Staff agents only use pre written message, as they can’t understand english. Just fire them and use an AI, it will be the same.

Avatar for Anonymous
Rated 0.0 out of 5

Driver say cannot send to kiosk and ask us to come and pickup, lolll first time i saw driver asking customer coming pickup, others provider all ok

Avatar for -
Rated 1.0 out of 5

Terrible service. It been more than days since my parcel arrived to ms 01 hub klang. Until now no update. Call their customer service, staff say cant do anything.

Avatar for Thanes
Rated 1.0 out of 5

I’m really disappointed in them I order a dress but the seller use flash courier and flash is so slow making me miss my dress engagement so thank you very much flash

Avatar for Anonymous
Rated 1.0 out of 5

Avatar for Anonymous
Rated 0.0 out of 5

kepada pekerja bernama usop. HANG MEMANG FAK! dah hilangkan parcel bawak geng pula macam gangster ye. bukan sikit hilangnya pastu tak ada sikit pun rasa tanggungjawab tak scan parcel salahkan kami. kami ada cctv view ada bukti kami dah drop pastu nak jeling sedangkan kami customer. boleh cakap “saya pun banyak kerja lain” kami ni tak ada kerja ke. sekarang dah jadi macam ni tak ke menggangu kerja semua orang. kami yang kena hadap customer kena marah customer. kalau penat and tak suka kerja tu jangan kerja sebab kami pun penat juga. customer service zero memang takkan maju kalau keep on dengan cara and attitude macam ni. jangan rasa diri awak tu besar sangat sedangkan kami datang untuk berbincang cara elok. saya panggil imigresen untuk geng2 awak tu tahu lah. takut ke nak gerak sorang sampai kena panggil geng macam tu. sangat tidak professional. you owe us an apology.

Avatar for usop babi flash IDCC seksyen 15
usop babi flash IDCC seksyen 15

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