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Latest Flash Express Review
Tolong la improve .. dah dapat complaints bnyk” takde nak improve” baik tutup je.. flash la konon barang smpai nak setahun tunggu pun tak smpai” . tolong la jangan guna ni kalau nak hantar barang.. flash nya la konon takde nya flash ,slow nak mampus.
their service is so horribly slow. I have two packages that were supposed to arrive yesterday but I have yet to receive them.
one of them has been stuck at the delivery hub for 3 days, the other one says its been out for delivery since 12pm but it is now 11pm and I haven’t gotten any updates or packages.
their service is extremely slow and generally just horrible. their customer service team hasn’t done much to help either.
tolong bagi ada rasa tanggungjawab sikit, jangan pandai ii nk return barang orang, kalau customer ni boleh pilih courier memang dah tak akan ambil Flash ni ! company ni memang tak ada yang pantau kaa cara kerja tu macam mana ?!
better jangan buat company courrier lh
very stupid system and service
boleh pergi check bagaimana barangan korang diletak kan.
buang masa jika guna flash ini.
bagi seller tiktok shopee patut ambil berat perkara ini.jika tidak barangan akan rosak dan tanggunglh kerugian korang
patut memang x perlu bintang langsung
Courier woman very dishonest! Morning check status was out of delivery, waiting until 5pm, felt weird, then I WhatsApp to this courier woman , she said will delivery before 6pm. So I WhatsApp back ,ok, and keep waiting until 8pm, no call no reply. Then I check the status, she lie to company said I not around and want to reschedule, what a lier. Very irresponsible and wasting my time to keep waiting! ! Iif you are not going to deliver, why you pick up the parcel??? Flash should call the customer the reason she submit true or false!
Servis sangat la teruk, dah la teruk lepas tu barang hilang sebab kena curi.
Bodoh punya courier paling lebab dalam alam mcm tak buat keje
very bad and slow, .. from west malaysia to east malaysia got arrived in sandakan for two days and stuck in sabah for whole week sitting there.. now i still have not received my package for damn two weeks…. very-very bad service.. avoid at all cost…. next time i wont buy anything if the seller using this shipment service……
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