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Latest Ninja Van Review
Went back frm KL to kampung in Kedah on my bike on weekend.Battery went flat and ordered one on shopee on aunday. NV slow to pick up frm seller and seller was nice enough to drop it at collection center. It took 3 days for the item to leave their warehouse in shah alam. On friday still no status of the item whereabout… Decided to buy replacement battery in Penang. Cant afford to extend my emergency leave anymore as another weekend approaching. May be their staff were ex poslaju@poslow. Same working culture. Wondering why shopee still partnering with them despite all the bad reviews. Scam also reported by friends, NV delivers items that not ordered and requesting COD. Refund also went haywire, item redelivered and marked as resolved.
The only slow and lazy delivery I’ve ever use. package failed to deliver while claiming unable to contact the recipient while there no attempt to actually send or contact recipient
Parcel cod is deliver direct to home right? We pay for the charge right? But why we need to go to other place “kedai makan” to get our parcel. Not rational ,not efficient at all. Bukannya first time kena, dh banyak kali kena. Lepas tu tulis yg customer reject la apa laaa..kau nk kerja buat cara nak kerja, bukannya ada halangan apa2 courier lain boleh jer hantar sampai depan rumah..ni call suruh orang ambik barang dekat kedai..amboi bukan main.
Non responding and irresponsible services, repeatedly.
Tak pernah laju tak pernah okay..tiap kali barang aku beli post pakai ninja van tak sah lh kalau tak carut..dengan lembab, kuat sidai barang.. courier lain boleh sampai cepat tapi yang ni tk pernah fix pun problem.. eloklah bungkus je courier bodo ni
How are they still in business here baffles me, Ninja Van has consistently been the slowest and most unreliable courier I have ever experienced (I’m in Ipoh) other couriers here are very fast and efficient. J&T, PosLaju, etc. Post today morning or noon and it’ll arrive next day, but for Ninja Van it’s like they take your parcel on a detour. The fastest you’ll get the parcel takes like 3 days or even a week which is absolutely ridiculous for within country postage.
Worst ever experience. Nightmare. 1st attempt rider yang tak dapat buat penghantaran, buyer kena terima fault of first attempt! Super ridiculous. 2nd attempt, rider call berapa saat je dh dkt tgh malam pulak tu, ter miss call dh hampir terlena tunggu x sampai.. Dlm 3min perasan Miscall terus call balik tak jawab. 2nd attempt lepas. 3rd attempt dari pagi another rider send template yg mam arrive soon tu dlm pkul 9am, punya excited ingtkot kali ni jujur dah.. Terus buat pembayaran cod online and tanya dlm pkul brpa sampai. Dia tiba2 cakap kul 2mcm tu.. Ok.. Sabar lagi.. Dh 3 lebih xde news tanya jap update.. Rider ckp nnti dh deliver dia send gambar. OK. Sabar lagi. Last pkul 7pm dh.. Saya send voice note explain yg saya kena tau estimate kul brpa nk smpai kot nnti dtg saya terlepas padang and bawah x dpt tinggal barang.. Susah saya.. Sebab dh 3rd attempt. Dia ckp tgh buat delivery berdekatan dh skrg.. Maybe kul 8or 9 mcm tu… Tuan2.. Skrg dh dkt kul 11pm and dia tak reply langsung dh last 2 msgs saya. Nak tido ke nak kena tunggu, saya pun ada anak kecik. Kalau saya call skali lg ni rsa boleh jadi gaduh. So saya cuba bertahan sikit lagi. Langsung tak betanggungjawab Dan tak pegang amanah elok2!
I don’t know how they managed to get contract with online shopping platform. Very unacceptable service, three days and still unsuccessful pickup attempt? What you guys are using? Rickshaw?
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