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Latest Shopee Express Review
Pracel stuck in cheras hub for weeks !! Do not order shopee in KV area!!!! Have money to get super star but cannot choose courrier!? shopee express courrier system is broken!!!!
terok shopee express ini…sudah dalam hub 5 hari di jasin…belom mau keluar lagi ke…? express apa ini…?
REALLY TERRIBLE!!!!!! parcel at sorting centre so many days. so slow and no progress at all
Sangat kecewa…parcel 5.3 dah ade d hub alor gajah..tp hari ni..10.3.bru dapat…parcel dtg elok tp dekat dlam dlm susu tepung budak kesan d gunting…d rosakkan air kotak d kemikkan…macam mana kotak elok tp dlm jadi mcm tu…
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